The Hotel Management feature on the can be accessed by navigating to the Dashboard > Hotel section. This is where the Hotel Manager is located.

In this section, you have the ability to perform bulk actions such as deleting or trashing multiple hotels at once. To do this, first, check the checkbox next to the hotels you wish to delete or trash. Then, select the appropriate option from the Bulk Action dropdown menu, such as "Delete" or "Trash." Finally, press the "Apply" button to complete the action. Additionally, you can also search for any hotel by its name, category or any other information by using the search bar provided in the same section.


To add a hotel, navigate to the Dashboard > Manage Hotel > Add Hotel section. Here you will be prompted to add various information about the hotel, such as its name, a detailed description, and various attributes.

Title: Be sure to use a clear and concise name for the hotel that accurately reflects its offerings. This will make it easier for potential customers to find the hotel through search engines such as Google.

Content: Provide a detailed description of the hotel and its amenities, including any special features or services it offers.

Youtube Video: In this version, we only support YouTube videos. It is recommended to upload a high-quality video that accurately represents the hotel, which will be displayed on the hotel's banner.

Hotel Policy: Include any relevant policies or rules that guests should be aware of before booking their stay.

Check-in/ Check-out time: Input the hotel's check-in and check-out times

Pricing: Enter the average price in Pi for a night's stay at the hotel. This information will be used to suggest pricing to customers.

Once you have filled in all the required information, press the "Save Changes" button to add the hotel to the website.